Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Apologies, Mr. Peter King

As a Sports Journalist, as I would like to view myself, it is important to be modern, in-the-now, and of course, remain true to all aspects of unofficial journalistic law. One of the key laws of unofficial journalistic law is to never steal anyone else's work. Also, a very important modern part of sports journalism is to make yourself known through your work as well as your individuality.

With these two thoughts in mind, it has come to my attention while reading one of my more recently acquired Sports Illustrated's, I came across something that caught my eye; well, two things, to be exact. The first was a full page advertisement informing the readers that the highly dignified, highly educational, highly economicly savvy Swimsuit Edition would be hitting newstands next week (Feb. 9th to be exact, mark your calendars). The second was Peter King's "Things I Think I Think". Immediately, I thought, 'What a magnificent title! It's catchy, witty, and original!' Yet I had seen it somewhere before...exactly.

So, seeing as I am not good lying to a federal jury such as Rafael Palmeiro or Mark McGuire, I would like to come clean this very minute. Yes, I titled this blog Things I Think...I Think in the hopes that it would do everything that Peter King's blog did: attract readers with its wit and originality. Unfortunately, I pawned an idea off one of the greatest sports writing masterminds that this century has seen.

So, without further ado, I apologize Peter King. I had no cruel intentions of trying to steal your title, rather, I went too long without catching up on my Sports Illustrated, and could have paid severely for it in the future. I intend to change said-title to something just as witty and catchy and original...the second I think of something that fits that mold. Until then, I will leave said title, but please all you readers out there (that means you, Mom and Dad) do not get too attached for change is in the air...I think.

1 comment:

  1. You want to know what attracted me to your blog, your title. Not going to lie. No one wants to read "Kara's Blog of the Day" or "Kara's Ramblings." So when we were assigned to comment on 3 people's blogs by next class, I couldn't help but pick the 3 that caught my attention first. I do not believe that Peter King will think you had any malicious intent in stealing his title. It is very creative and they saw copycating is the highest form of flattery. Very interesting to say the least. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts, I think. :)
